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Ord. No. 2 of 2012

Pension Benefits (Judicial Officers) Regulations

117. Military service to count for pension benefits

Regulation 15 of the Pension Benefits (Judicial Officers) Regulations (Cap. 401 sub. leg. A) is repealed.

Merchant Shipping (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Ordinance

118. Application of Part III

Section 5(3) of the Merchant Shipping (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Ordinance (Cap. 413) is repealed and the following substituted—

“(3) No direction under section 6(2) applies to—
(a) any ship which is used by the Chinese People’s Liberation Army; or
(b) any ship which belongs to the Central People’s Government or the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region,
and no action may be taken under section 6(4) or (5) as respects any such ship.”.

Civil Aviation Ordinance

119. Power to give effect to Chicago Convention and regulate air navigation

(1) Section 2A(3) of the Civil Aviation Ordinance (Cap. 448) is amended by repealing “a Secretary of State” and substituting “the Central People’s Government”.

(2) Section 2A(4) is amended—

(a) by repealing “a Secretary of State” and substituting “the Central People’s Government”;
(b) by repealing “Governor—” and substituting “Chief Executive–”;
(c) by repealing “Governor in Council” and substituting “Chief Executive in Council”.

(3) Section 2A(8) is amended, in the definition of “state of emergency”, by repealing “a Secretary of State” and substituting “the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress”.