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Lesson 3

on maximum phonetic accuracy for short periods, but most of the time he has to be satisfied if he is getting back a reasonably high percentage of correct phonemes. In the area of people's names, however, phonetic accuracy coincides with personal courtesy. The teacher's standards are likely to be higher and the student's efforts greater, particularly if the owners of the names are fellow-residents of the same school or training site.

It may be objected that the original Telugu lessons are hardly recognizable after so much adaptation and supplementation, and that the adapter might as well have started from scratch. If the course were no longer than these three sample lessons, that might be true. But the existing course has picked out a large number of points to be learned, has placed them in one practicable order, and has provided as examples materials which are themselves usable. It thus provides a framework on which the adapter and his staff may hang their own ideas and their own efforts, and a fabric of lessons that they can press into service if their own adaptations fall behind schedule.