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but place an increasing load on the student:

Is J. Carrying a tãt?

What kind of tãt is she carrying?

What is she carrying?

In the first of these questions, the student has only to understand it and choose between 'yes' and 'no.' In the second, he must remember vakwa, and in the third he must supply the entire phrase tãt vakwa.

Cummings devices.

The questions that were chosen to figure in Cummings devices were those that contained 'every/day/week' (because this was a new construction) and 'carry' (because this was a new verb). The team also found opportunities to interject some superficial but useful information about how the people of Mauritius live: which groceries they have to buy daily, and which on a weekly basis, and how various objects are customarily carried.

C. d. 1


Zot asseté dipain tous les zours. They buy bread every day.
Zot asseté dilait tous les zours. They buy milk every day.
Zot asseté douriz tous 1es sémaines. They buy rice every week.
Zot asseté di1'hui1e toutes 1es sémaines. They buy oil every week.