Page:Adapting and Writing Language Lessons.pdf/193

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Pattern Drill: (from Leprosy series)(AEJ)

Listen to the whole drill. Try to get the meaning by watching your instructor. If you don't get it by the third time, the instructor will tell you the meaning in English.
Repeat in unison after the instructor one sentence at a time. Then repeat individually.
Try to give the entire sentence when the instructor gives you a cue word, phrase, or gesture.
Give one or more sentences that you remember, with no cue from the instructor.

cháy sǎmràp tham ˀaray

cháy sǎmràp krìit phǐwnǎŋ

cháy sǎmràp khùut phǐwnǎŋ

cháy sǎmràp chét phǐwnǎŋ

What do we use that for?

We use that for slitting the skin.

We use that for scraping the skin.

We use that for sterilizing the skin.


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