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The special goal of this experiment is to establish standards of competence which will be useful to employers and workers alike. Anyone who does not meet these standards will be denied a certificate. The government now recognizes three levels of examinations. A total of 925 craftsmen have been tested in Dar es Salaam in the last six months. Formerly, tests were given only in Dar, but this worked to the disadvantage of those who could not afford the trip to Dar, and so temporary examining stations were set up at six inland sites.]

UHURU, 11 July 70


[Mr. J. M. Kariuki, Junior Minister of Tourism and wild Life, reproached the executive committee of the East African Hotel Keepers Association in Nairobi. He charged that they were unwilling to train Africans, and that they had replaced African degree-holders with Europeans. Anyone caught doing So will lose his license. He hopes that efforts to correct this situation are sincere.

Tourism should attract not only Europeans, but people from allover Africa as well. Hotel employees should be given good clothing and living quarters.

The president of the association replied that not all hotels are guilty of discrimination against African employees. He also said that when Africans have time off from their jobs, they prefer farming to travelling. There was discussion of the practice of ordering some items from abroad. Mr. Kariuki said that the practice must stop.]

TAIFA LEO, 5 March 70