Page:Adapting and Writing Language Lessons.pdf/267

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khruu phûujin (teacher woman) woman teacher(s)
maa sii dam (dog color black) black dog(s)
mɛɛw tua jàj (cat body large) a large cat
ŋaan mâj khɔ̂ɔj mâak (work not hardly much) hardly any work

34. (2) The connectors (-ing, that, which, etc.) that help us keep track of embeddings in English are virtually always missing in Thai. Stative verbs, other verbs, and even whole clauses may stand between the main noun and its classifier or determiner, with no change in their form.

mii bâan bɛ̀ɛp thaj chán diaw than samǎj wâan châw jùu laŋ nyŋ

There is house style Thai storey single modern vacant rent classifier one.

'There is one vacant, modern one-storey Thai style house for rent.'

news relate to this matter news relating to this
person propose resolution request.... the proposer of a resolution requesting...
matter not break law beginning a matter that was not initially illegal

35. Similarly, English has several verb forms that may function as nouns or as adjectives. For example, driving is a verbal noun in I like driving cars; to drive is a verbal noun (sometimes called an 'infinitive') in I like to drive cars. Compare maintain:maintenance, proceed:procedure, and many others. In barking dogs and frozen food, barking and frozen are verbal adjectives derived from bark and freeze. There are only two noun formatives that are used to form nouns like those above: