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The discussion of subject and object prefixes showed one important role which concordial agreement plays in the operation of the Kirundi language. A list of concordial classes was given on p. x , together with a list of the prefixes which represent those classes where the subjects of verbs are concerned.

Class concords also appear in many other parts of the language:

Class 8: Ibiriíbwa mufisé ni inikí? ('Foods that—you-have are which?')
Class 10: Impuúzu mufisé ni inkí? ('Clothes that-you-have are which?')
Class 8: Zana ibiriíbwa. 'Bring foodstuffs.'
  Ngiigi. 'Here they are.'
Class 10: Zana impuzú. 'Bring [articles of] clothing.'
  Ngiibi. 'Here they are.'
Class 3: Umudúga waawe ni mwiizá. 'Your car is good.'
Class 12: Akazi kaawe ni keeza. 'Your work is good.'

Compare these two short dialogues, which are identical except for the first noun and the concords that depend upon it.

Barafíse impuúzu? '[Do] they have [articles of] clothing?'
Eegó, baraise. 'Yes, they have them'
Bafise nyiínshi? 'Do they have many?'
Oya, bafise nké. 'No, they have few.'
Ni ziingáahé? 'How many are there.'
(‘[They] are how—many?‘)
Zitaanu gusa. 'Five only.'