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Potential rejoinders:

Ninatoka mji wa Topeka. I'm from (the city of) Topeka.
Ninatoka jimbo la Kansas. I'm from (the state of) Kansas.
Ninatoka nchi ya Amerika. I'm from (the country of) America.


Unatoka (mji) gani?

Ninatoka (mji) (w)a (Topeka).

Comments on Example 3

Suitability of subject matter is as for Example 2. Length and complexity of sentences are still within the ability of beginners. This Cummings device provides a fairly realistic way of learning to choose among wa,la, ya in agreement with mji, jimbo, nchi.

Example 4 (French)

Basic utterances:

Qu'est—ce que vous faites à 6 heures du matin? What do you do at 6 a.m.?
Et après, qu'est—ce que vous faites? And then what do you do?

Potential rejoinders:

Je me réveille. I wake up.
Après je me léve. Then I get up.
Après je me lave. Then I wash.
Après je m'habille. Then I get dressed.
Après je vais au réfectoire. Then I go to the dining hall.