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suitable seats for the females so employed, and shall so permit the use of the seats by them, when they are not necessarily engaged in the active duties for which they are employed.

Seduction in Colorado, under promise of marriage, of an unmarried female, of previous chaste character, or the seduction without such promise, of an unmarried female of previous chaste character, under the age of sixteen years, is made a felony. But no conviction shall be had on the testimony of the seduced female alone, or after two years from the commission of the offense. Marriage of the parties before judgment is made a bar to further prosecution.

The enticing of an unmarried female of previous chaste reputation under the age of twenty to a dance house, a tippling house, or to any place of low resort, shall be deemed a misdemeanor, punishable by fine and imprisonment, or both.

The giving in payment of a debt, draft, or check, with fraudulent intent, upon any bank, whether the same be organized under state laws, or laws of the United States, in which the person giving the same shall not have sufficient funds for the payment thereof, is made a misdemeanor, punishable by fine and imprisonment, or both.

Telegraphs, telephones, or electric light companies may, upon their failure to obtain the same by contract, obtain a right of way on the lands, privileges and easements of others, by the exercise through the legislature of the right of eminent domain.

All discriminations by railroad companies in charges for carriage of freight or passengers; all concessions, drawbacks, or contracts for special rates, are absolutely prohibited, but the same shall be open to all persons and corporations alike.


A bureau of labor statistics is created by the legislature of this state, controlled by a commissioner to be appointed by the Governor. The commissioner shall collect information