Page:Address of the Convention and a New Constitution for Massachusetts.djvu/5

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gard to thoſe of other Men and keep their minds open to Conviction. We conceive; that in the preſent Inſtance, by accommodating ourſelves to each other, and individually yielding particular and even favorite Opinions of ſmaller moment, to eſſential Principles, and Conſiderations of general Utility, the public Opinion of the Plan now before you may be confolidated.—But without ſuch mutual Condeſcention in unimportant Matters, we may almoſt venture to predict, that we ſhall not ſoon, if ever, be bleſs’d with ſuch a Conſtitution as thoſe are intitled to, who have ſtruggled hard for Freedom and Independence. You will permit us on this Occaſion, juſt to hint to you our own Apprehenſion, that there may be amongſt us, ſome Perſons diſaffected to that great Cauſe for which we are contending, who may be ſecretly inſtructed by our common Enemy to divide and diſtract us; in hopes of preventing our Union in any Form of Government whatever, and by this Means of depriving us of the moſt honorable Teſtimony, as well as the greateſt Secutity of our Freedom and Independence.—If there be ſuch Men, it is our Wiſdom to mark them, and guard ourſelves againſt their Deſigns.
