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No. 22

A LIST of the Officers and the Vessels of War serving in the Fleet which the King, My Master, ordered to be formed at Amoreira, under my orders, of which Naval-Colonel Robert MacDonell is Commander-in-Chief.

(Part relating to Arthur Phillip.)

Rio de Janeiro, 27th November 1776.

Names of the Vessels. Captains. Lieutenant-Captains. Naval Lieutenants.
By Commission By Warrant Nature of Service. Conditions of Vessels. Commission. Warrant. Nature of Service. By Commission. Nature of the Service.
Nossa Senhora do Pilar. Arthur Phillips. This Officer is intelligent and active, and shews that he has been reared as a soldier; he is a little headstrong, but can easily be brought to reason. Requires to be repaired and careened. Joaquim de Almeida. This Officer is very intelligent and has always served with much honour. Ignacio José Peres, Lieutenant of the Infantry, and Estanislau de Almeida The first is an old Lieutenant of the Regiment of Marines. He is fairly intelligent, and I have always seen him serve very honourably and obediently. My opinion is that he is deserving of promotion.

The second was a volunteer; he does his duty.

(Signed) Marquez do Lavradio