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A Private Admonition

their Redeemer; although theſe and the like, being only other Names for God and Chriſt, are as much a Profanation (when they are mixed by Men with their ordinary Diſcourſe) as the direct Uſe of the Names themſelves. And the Reaſon is plain, becauſe by the Names of Maker and Redeemer the Divine Beings are evidently expreſſed and underſtood; and it is from the common and familiar Uſe of Matters Holy and Divine, that the Sin of profane Swearing ariſes, by whatſoever Names the Divine Things or Beings are expreſſed.

The Reaſon why ſuch Names ought not to be mixt with the common Concerns of the World, is, becauſe they are of a divine and heavenly Nature. We ought not to make the Names familiar, becauſe the Beings meant and expreſſed by them are infinitely above us, in Station, Power, and all other Perfections; and are therefore the proper Objects of our Dread and Fear, our Honour and Reverence. Again; ſuch Names ought to be uſed ſparingly, becauſe common Uſe wears off the Ve-
