Page:Adrift in the Pacific, Sampson Low, 1889.djvu/134

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present state of things, they had no intention of doing, and nothing could shake their determination to set up a little colony of their own.

At sunrise the four took leave of their comrades, who were very sorry to see them go, and, maybe, Donagan and his friends were not unmoved.

They were taken across Zealand River in the yawl by Moko, and then leisurely walked off along the shore of Family Lake by the edge of the wide-stretching South Moors.

A few birds were killed as they went along by the side of the marsh, but Donagan, knowing he must be careful of his ammunition, contented himself with only shooting enough for the day's rations. That day the boys accomplished between five and six miles, and about five o'clock in the evening, arriving at the end of the lake, they camped for the night.

The night was cold, but the fire kept them comfortable and all four were awake at the dawn. The southern extremity of Family Lake was an acute angle formed by two high banks, the right one of which ran due north. On the east the country was still marshy, but the ground was a few feet above the level of the lake, so that it was not flooded. Here and there a few knolls dotted with undersized trees broke the sameness of the green expanse. As the country consisted chiefly of sandhills Donagan gave it the name of Dune Lands; and not wishing to plunge too far into the unknown, he decided to keep to the lake shore, and leave further exploration for a future time.

"If," said he, "the map is right, we shall find East River about seven miles from here, and we can easily do that before night."

"Why not strike off to the north-east, so as to get to the mouth of the river direct?" asked Wilcox,

"That would save us a third of the way," said Webb.

"So it would," said Donagan, "but why should we venture across this marshy country, which we do not know, and run the risk of having to come back here?