Page:Adrift on an Ice-Pan (1909).djvu/110

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but the doctor’s own tale could be more graphic than what was told by George Andrews, one of the crew who rescued him.”


‘‘It was wonderfu’ bad weather that Monday mornin’. Th’ doctor was to Lock’s Cove. None o’ we thought o’ ’is startin’ out. I don’t think th’ doctor hisself thought o’ goin’ at first an’ then’e sent th’ two men on ahead for to meet us at th’ tilt an’ said like ’s ’e was goin’ after all.

“’T was even’ when us knew ’e was on th’ ice. George Davis seen un first. ’E went to th’ cliff to look for seal. It was after sunset an’ half dark, but ’e thought ’e saw somethin’ on th’ ice an’ ’e ran for George Read an’ ’e got ’is spy-glass an’ made out a

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