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hinderance to him in his journey; for tho' it was not in his power to find any thing, in his way, that would divert or influence her mind, yet she frequently found out something, in her own path, which did divert, and insensibly draw away his heart, by which he was many times entangled, and laden as with thick clay. Another thing I observed, that after he had begun his journey, the King of Israel (whose subject he was) sent them some young lambs to feed with a strict charge to teach them diligently in the way, and bring them up in his nurture and admonition. But the performance of this command was rendered impracticable; for, as he instructed them to go right, she induced them to wander as he endeavoured to gather them, she scattered them; and as he fed them with wholesome food, she would surfeit them with poisonous herbs: so, which way the King disposed of them afterwards, I never knew, but they never prospered under his care. Thus, her company never yielded him the least benefit or assistance through his whole journey, but was an alloy to all his joys, and an aggravation to all his sorrows: And it frequently caused him very much regret of mind, to think of his own unadvised engagement, and bitter reflections on his neglect of duty, wandering and lost time which it had been the occasion of,