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As I walked through the wilderness of and fancied myself travelling to the City of old Babylon, where I was much amazed in viewing the curiosities of the place, as the Tower, the Wall, the Gates, the Streets, the Palace, the River, the Images in the plain of Dura, &c. I observed the City, and it appeared in different views. In one part, the people were entirely taken up in revellings, feastings, diversions, splendid appearances and enjoying themselves. In the other, they were more reserved, and were much taken up in a demure dress and behaviour, in the decency of their houses and streets, in the regularity of their towers and fortifications, &c. but without any appearance of danger, they seemed entirely at ease. Howbeit, when I had satiated myself with gazing at the particular shows, I thought to take a prospect of the whole city together. So I walked to a rising ground a little retired from the crowd, where I saw a booth, which I took to be built on purpose, for the conveniency of taking pros-