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So I still observed this truly united pair (Mark x.8.) advancing in the way, for they greatly contributed to help each other forward; many difficulties, they surmounted, and many rich blessings they enjoyed, as they travelled in the way, at last they arrived at a pleasant hill in view of the Land of Promise, full of delights, refreshing fruits, pure streams, and desirable entertainments. Here they first sat down, and rested in a delightful arbour, blessing God, and congratulating one another, in consideration of their enjoyment. Then they went and refreshed themselves among the fruits and fountains, and afterwards they ascended to a tower, where was a large prospective glass, from whence they looked back upon Babylon, and saw it all in flames, and the country turned to burning pitch. Then they gave praise and glory to God for their wonderful deliverance they had in the way. Then they took a prospect of the land before them, and saw Jerusalem, the Royal Palace, the goodly Mountain of Lebanon, the clusters of Eshcol, and all the rivers flowing with milk, and the hills dropping down sweet wine? Then they looked below to the streams of Jordan, and beheld the great High Priest, in his shining robes, waiting to carry them over, Psalm xxiii. 4. Isa. xxxiii. 21. Rev. xix. 8. But I awoke, and behold it was a Dream.

But the thing was certain, and the interpretation thereof sure.

F I N I S.