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upon it, Ichabod.—As they travelled, they would frequently sit down in the shade, divert themselves with trifles, and often turn aside, which made their progress very small; and this indolence prevailed more, and more, until they came to a low valley by the brink of the river Euphrates, where they turned aside and fell asleep; and while they slept, there arose a swell in the river, and the flood swept them both away.

As for the third, whose name was Euphemius, when he heard the admonitions, they made deep impressions upon his mind, and filled him with awful apprehensions; he was convinced of the pernicious consequences which would attend such company, and appeared solicitous to avoid them; but how it was, I have now forgot, whether, before these considerations, he had contracted a correspondence, or whether afterwards, by dalliance and giving latitude to his fancy, he forgot himself, and was, entangled with a daughter of the Chaldees, which, betwixt the instructions he had received, and his own misguarded affections, caused some strugglings of his mind: for the person was of a complaisant disposition, nor seemed at all reluctant to the things he had in view. Yet he plainly perceived, she had no taste to them, and that her innate disposition was more to Babylon than Canaan; she had never been convinced of the