Page:Adventures in Thrift (1916).djvu/116

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cousin, Emily Tyler, can, because she was a member of the organization when she lived in Cincinnati. Wouldn't you all like to come round to our house Friday night and meet her?"

The invitation was accepted with enthusiasm, after which Mr. Larry rolled back the rugs and Mrs. Larry turned on the phonograph for one-stepping, while Lena appeared with a fruit punch and little cakes. For, as Mrs. Norton philosophically remarked—"What's the use of taking economy so hard that you get to hate it?"

Mrs. Tyler, formerly of Cincinnati, now of Flushing, New York, proved to be a plump and friendly young matron, with deep blue eyes that took on a violet tint when she talked earnestly on cooperative buying.

"You see, I've brought the documents in the case," she said smilingly, as she pointed to a quantity of printed matter on Mrs. Moore's library table. "But you must stop me the minute you feel bored. I'm so homesick for my Cooperative League that it is a joy to talk about it."