Page:Adventures in Thrift (1916).djvu/201

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Chapter VIII
"Living on less is only a question of individual methods."

—H. C. of L. proverb no. 8.

"MRS. MARTIN'S magenta dress stood out like a beauty-patch on a sallow complexion," commented Mrs. Larry, threading a fresh needle with embroidery silk.

"A woman of her coloring and eyes should wear gray-greens and dull blues," replied Claire, as she picked up the wee sacque which Mrs. Larry was embroidering for Lisbeth.

"A-hem!" interrupted Mr. Larry, lowering his evening paper to study with amused eyes the two pretty women seated on the other side of the living-room table. "In real estate notes, there is a paragraph to the effect that rents in Kansas City have advanced ten per cent."

Claire tossed the bit of French flannel back into Mrs. Larry's lap.

"Wh-what's that? Ten per cent.? Goodness gracious——"