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gets its name from the short time required to cook it."

Zip, the saw, knives and hatchet gleamed in and out of the red flesh, and the pages of Mrs. Larry's note-book bristled with facts and figures. When the demonstration was over, she snapped a rubber band around the little book, thrust it into her bag and walked thoughtfully to the elevator.

"Did you enjoy it, honey?" Teresa Moore linked arms with Mrs. Larry and rang for the elevator.

"Well, if there's any enjoyment in learning how little you know, I must have had a perfectly splendid time!" replied Mrs. Larry, not without slight sarcasm.

"Fine! I felt the same way—once. Now go a-marketing while it is all fresh in your mind. Put the fear of God in the heart of your butcher. You won't have to do it but once, I venture to assure you."

"I will," said Mrs. Larry firmly, as they parted at the corner. Then suddenly she stopped and stared in dismay at an unoffending,