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"No—honey—I'm just a little fool!" And now the tears flowed frankly and unchecked.

"You're nothing of the sort, and one lemon pie—"

"It's not the pie, Larry, it's—it's everything! Ever since I started to cut down our table expenses, I've been losing money in other ways. I can't be in two places at once, can I?"

Mr. Larry shook his head.

"And so—when I'm chasing all over town looking for cheaper markets, things go wrong here at home. While I was picking up bargains in poultry and vegetables in the city market last Saturday, Lena broke one of my best goblets—they cost me forty-five cents each—there went all I saved on vegetables. I never let Lena wash the fine glass and china when I'm home.

"Then this afternoon I went to Mrs. Norton's to talk about organizing a marketing club to buy in quantities, and suddenly remembered I had made no dessert. The exchange charged sixty cents for that apology for a pie. I could make the real thing for twenty."