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till at length the power of the copious draughts she had taken, and which had been purposely pressed upon her inclination, begun to operate with imperious potency in soporiferous effects: the attendance of the femme-de-chambre was required, by whom Rachel was carefully escorted to bed, wherein being safely deposited for the night. she was soon secure in the downy arms of Morpheus. While all this was going on Mr. L—— had not been idle at home.—The next morning, when our heroine, rather at a late hour, awoke, she was not a little surprised on finding no one in bed with her; she arose and in some agitation hastily dressed herself, came down stairs, and on inquiry below for her inamorato, was then informed that the gentleman with whom she came there, had discharged every demand soon after she had retired to repose, and immediately left the house in the vehicle that brought them.—This news excited her utmost wonder how to account for what had passed: she waited some few hours in doubt whether she could or not expect his (the clerk's) coming back to her. She at last—in short, returning to her former place of habitation, her astonishment exceeded all bounds when she found the house entirely stript close shut up, and every entrance barred against her, and when to complete which the subjoined letter was put into her hands, by a person stationed to await and watch her return.

Madame,—"I have at last found that reason which has too long been lost to me, and wholly neglected in all its proper uses; the result of which recovery is, that from this time our separation is final, and all further connection between us and every communication with this, from the present moment ceases for ever.

"The sum you were last night put in possession of, as the last you have to expect or will ever receive from me, will I trust, as intended, be amply sufficient to meet all your present emergencies. Your own immediate property, of apparel, ornaments, jewels, &c. of whatsoever kind and value, is all safely deposited where the bearer of this will attend you, and see the whole delivered up to your demand.

"Finally, adieu for ever,
" H. R. L————

"To Rachel Cunningham."