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two pair of stairs in the next house, a chamber-pot was discharged upon him so successfully, that the poor barber was wet to the skin; while I being luckily at some distance, escaped the unsavoury deluge. In the mean time, a footman opening the door, asked, with a stern countenance, if it was I who made such a damn'd nose, and what I wanted? I told him I had business with his master, whom I desired to see. Upon which he clapt the door in my face, telling me, I must learn better manners before I could have access to his master. Vexed at this disappointment, I turned my resentment against Strap, whom I sharply reprimanded for his presumption; but he not in the least regarding what I said, wrung the urine out of his wig, and lifting up a large stone, flung it with such force against the street door of that house from whence he had been bedewed, that the lock gave way, it flew open and he took to his heels, leaving me to follow him as I could: I therefore pursued him with all the speed I could exert, until we found ourselves about the dawn, in a street we did not know. Here, as we wandered along, gaping about, a very decent sort of a man passing by me, stopped of a sudden, and took up something which having examined, he turned and presented it to me, with these words, “Sir, you have dropt half-a-crown.” I told him, it did not belong to me; but he bid me recollect, and
