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the Marquis. "Isn't she as beautiful as an angel?"

"There's no denying that," replied Criquet, "at least, if she answers the description; but what's to become of us if she should not happen to be as virtuous as one?"

"But he particularly mentions her prudence," observed the Marquis.

"C'est vrai," replied Criquet; "mais, aussi c'est lui qui le dit."

"Fi donc! mon ami," said Querubin. "We must not suspect the lovely creature."

"But, unfortunately, lovely creatures are not always as irreproachable as they should be," said Criquet.

"Je les ai toujours trouvé d'une vertu impregnable!" said the Marquis.

"Je crois que cela dépend," said Criquet. "Mais passe pour cela; there's another question. What are we to do with Ma'm'selle Dorothée?"

"But if she does not love me?" replied Don Querubin. "Have I not persevered for three years without a shadow of success? I am satisfied she has some other attachment, or the thing would be impossible."

"That may be," answered Criquet. "I don't