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"It's coming it rather strong," said the gentleman.

"I like it," said she.

"Then, Arlington Darlington Jones, let it be. We'll get some cards to-morrow, the first thing we do."

On the following morning after breakfast, Colonel and Miss Arlington Darlington Jones sallied forth in quest of fashionable lodgings, and at the Hotel Marbeuf, in the Rue St. Honoré, they found a suite of apartments likely to answer their purpose. On the first floor, large, lofty, and elegantly furnished, they appeared to the fair Englishwoman, every thing that was desirable.

"I think they'll answer extremely well," said the Colonel to the showily dressed lady who condescended to treat with him on the subject. "We'll order our luggage to be sent, and sleep here to night."

"Pardon!" said the proprietaire, "but perhaps Monsieur would have the goodness to favour me with a referencc—it's extremely unpleasant, but we are obliged to be cautious."

"Oh, by all means," replied the Colonel, with the most dégagée manner imaginable. "You are very right, very right indeed. Here is my