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when fully equipped she looked like a smart lad of fifteen or sixteen.

"'Now,' said Julie, 'if I don't return tonight, or even to-morrow, you have no occasion to be alarmed. I am not going into any danger, I assure you; and if any one inquires for me, say, I am gone to stay a few days with my aunt.'

"'Bien,' replied Madeleine, 'I will. Mais, Dieu!' she exclaimed, as the suspicion struck her, 'you're not going to shut yourself up with Mr. Valentine in the maison forte?'

"'Not I,' said Julie, 'what good would that do?'

"'Car, Mademoiselle,' said Madeleine, 'vous savez qu'un jeune homme est toujours un jeune homme, maison forte ou ailleurs; et que quoique vous soyez mise en garçon, vous êtes demoiselle, tout de même.'

"In spite of her eagerness to commence her enterprise, Julie had to wait upwards of an hour before she dared venture into the street; for till the evening had closed in, she did not think it prudent to risk the chance of being seen to leave the house by her neighbours and acquaintance, lest any suspicion should be awakened; besides, that being a novice in her