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"'Quel tems! What weather!' said one of the company, as Julie seated herself.

"'The vineyards are drowning,' said another who appeared to be an agriculturist.

"'We shan't get wine for our money if this weather continue,' observed an artizan.

"'Messieurs,' said the hostess, the price is risen already, d'un sous la bouteille.'

"'Sacre!' exclaimed the last speaker.

"'Won't you take something?' said the hostess to Julie, 'to keep out the cold? Nous avons bonne bière de Mars, ou même de l'eau de vie, si vous le desiriez.'

"'I should prefer wine,' replied Julie, who comprehended that to say no would spoil her welcome.

"The old woman arose and produced the wine, assuring her that for the price there was none better in Nantes.

"'Madame et Messieurs,' said Julie, 'will you pledge me?' and after pouring herself out a small quantity she sent round the bottle, which returned to her emptied of its contents. The evidently favourable impression produced by this liberal proceeding, induced her to call for a second.

"'Ah ça!' exclaimed one, 'there is nothing like wine, after all; cela échauffe les entrailles.'