Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/112

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should utilize its net income with contentment. Sukra, a great sage, said that you should divide your net income into five parts, save, without fail, one-fifth of it every year and spend the other four parts in equal shares in the following ways:—i. In charity ; ii. for getting a good name, or for maintaining the dignity of your position; iii. for enjoyment; and iv. for the benefit of relatives, and people who are the descendants of families that have served the estate for generations. You will all, I am sure, agree with me if I say that the above way of dividing your net income is good and based on virtuous principles.

Narada, another great sage, says that you should save every year three-fourths, or half, or at least one-fourth, of your net income. In my opinion, it is utterly impossible to save three-fourths of your income or even one-half of it. To maintain the prestige of our position, we have