Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/117

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you should save some portion of your income every year. I must now tell you how you should invest it so as to increase it. In former times, one who was able to save money used to put it into his treas- ury and lock it up. We must not find fault with him : because there was then no other safer way of guarding it. Many, even in those days, really spent their accumulations in making agricultural improve- ments. Even now this is the best way of investing money. If you improve the agri- cultural conditions in your estate, you will get more revenue from the estate and the condition of your ryots will be greatly improved. Then with the surplus money that you may still have, what should you do ? Advance loans and secure their repayment by mortgages on lands and villages in and about your estate. When a chance comes, buy them. If you still have money in hand, buy Government