Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/130

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debt first and think of other matters afterwards. I know a friend who was very careful in his expenditure till he had cleared off his debt and had saved a little. But I have, of course, heard of only a few men of that stamp.

It is always a very good thing to do to continue the same Manager or Dewan for a few years. If you find him able and honest, you may continue him longer. Even the Government will, on your application, lend you, for a few years, the services of the same Manager that was managing your estate under the Court of Wards.

If you have to select a Manager or a Dewan before you are well acquainted with the management, even for a fairly high salary, get a retired Deputy Collector as a Manager, or the Dewan of some estate who has had the reputation of being able and honest. If you and your Manager are both strangers to work, you will never