Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/133

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like to say that, if you can get an able and honest man from your own establishment for the Managership, that is the best. A lawyer will soon acquire revenue experience. A retired Tahsildar or a Deputy Collector, if he retires after the required service for pension or before that period on some personal cause, will make a good Manager. He will sooner than a lawyer get the revenue experience of an estate. The revenue system of a Zamindari differs in many points from that of the Government taluks. The Zamindari officials have also no such powers as those possessed by the Government officials. If the Government official served his full period of service, i.e., till he should be forced to retire under the fifty-five years' rule, he would not be of much use to any Zamindari. Generally do not keep one in the Manager's post for more than ten years. First give him five years' term; then, if you are satis-