Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/140

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fortune comes to a person at various ages. But before he obtains it he is counted as an ordinary person. I always regret, however, the acquisition of wealth from a mother's branch of the family, as, of necessity, it implies extinction of the maternal line.

4. Then comes the fourth kind, the fortune obtained by discovering precious stones, minerals and sometimes hidden wealth.

5. The fortune obtained by gift is put fifth in rank among the various kinds of fortune. As there is no self-exertion in obtaining this fortune, it is placed immediately before the fortune got by self-exertion. It can hardly be looked upon as altogether good fortune as the one got by self-exertion.

6. Self-acquired property—if it is large enough to be called fortune- is classed as the last kind of fortune, for, though a man has acquired property by his own exertions, there must be, according to the