Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/142

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creases the fortune by the sixth, viz., self-acquisition, is called by far the most fortunate man. Some people, though fortunate by birth, obtain more by reversionary inheritance or by finding valuable things in their estates or by both. If they manage those fortunes to the best advantage and acquire more by self-exertion, they are much the most fortunate men. Therefore, my young friends, don't you think that you are fortunate because you have got any of the other five heaven-sent fortunes, when you are without the sixth. Remember that only if you manage your property to the best advantage and acquire some additional immovable or landed property, will you deserve to be considered to be by far the most fortunate man; and the Almighty will be pleased with you, because you have increased the fortune that has been allotted to you by Him.