Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/144

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on enjoyments. If every man from those of a high position down to those of an ordinary position would follow this rule as regards enjoyment suited to each man's position, no one would ever ruin himself. When you are rich, you should also spend an equal sum in charity, as I said in my lecture on that subject. It is the duty of a rich man to care for the deserving poor and for his neighbours.

God has created us to be happy and not miserable. Therefore, every man should enjoy himself according to his status. Never unreasonably grieve over past sorrows; but rather regard them as events occurring in the natural course of things. If one constantly grieves over sorrows, his health will be affected, and his life shortened. He cannot undo the past.

There are many simple things in our daily life which may give us enjoyment and make us happy. Such pleasures most of us