Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/175

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marrying of two wives at tlie same time. (1) A certain thief broke into a magistrate's house, and, in the course of his search for valuables, saw the magistrate while he was in the company of his two wives. Afterwards the thief was caught by the guard, and on the following day was tried by the magistrate and found guilty. Thereupon he said to the magistrate with assumed humility that he would gladly undergo any punishment except being made to marry two wives at the same time; because he had seen the worry and trouble the magistrate on the bench had had on the previous night with his two wives. (2) A certain man had at the same time two wives, one young, the other elderly. The young one wishing him to look young began to pull out his grey hairs. And then the elder wife, being jealous of her co-wife, began to pull out all his dark hairs. He thus became bald in a few days.