Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/179

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him, and increased his establishment considerably, to provide himself with ail the necessary equipments of a Zamindar. He also foolishly began to build a fine palace higher than the highest building in his eldest brother the Rajah's palace. Not satisfied with the above foolish extravagance, he wanted to get a better name than the Zamindar, and squandered his money indiscriminately in what his fancy took for charity. Consequently he wasted his property in a very short time. On the other hand, the other brother built a nice, comfortable and convenient palace and never attempted to maintain an establishment suitable for a Rajah. He therefore increased his resources and flourished exceedingly. As the Zamindar is a great friend of mine, I know the whole affair well; and I cannot give a better example of extravagance on the one hand, and prudence on the other, than the younger brothers of this Zamindar.