Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/246

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In India both Astronomy and Astrology are known by the same name Jyothisham, and men versed in these sciences are called Jyossis. Now is it not commonly the case that many of us in this country blindly accept all that is said by our Jyossy, but never critically examine the details of Jyothisham? Confident that this question can only be answered in the affirmative, I shall endeavour in the following pages to point out some of the more obvious fallacies which now obtain in the subject of these twin sciences.

Jyothisham, then, has been classed under three heads : —

(1) Astronomy,

(2) Horoscopy,

(3) The Theory of Auspicious Time.

The last two, however, may be included in the term Astrology.