Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/35

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Krishna as well as the one on Truth was fairly appreciated by many educated men; but certain people, especially Pandits, who hold persistently to the prevailing belief notwithstanding the impossibilities, the inconsistencies and absurdities it involves, did not approve of them. I pointed out authorities and gave reasons showing that Sri Krishna could never have been the licentious man he is described to have been in the Bhagavatam. If Pandits of the old school could be made to understand that the accounts usually given of Sri Krishna are not truthful, I might feel encouraged to translate some others for their sake. But it is a hopeless task. The old school of people in general entertain an unshaken belief in the Puranas. But these Puranas were generally intended for the uneducated and the common classes of people. Many of the stories of which the Puranas are composed give