Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/63

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dar offered his daughter in marriage with a large dowry—a temptation too strong to be resisted.

In the ancient days, about the time of the battle described in the Mahabharata, there was a custom that on invitation every Rajah should go to the Swayamvaram (self choice). It was a grand assemblage called for by the bride's father or brother for the bride to elect a bridegroom from among the Rajahs invited. If then the bride elected any one of them, he should marry her whether he was already married or not.

In those days there was another custom too. If one Rajah went against, and conquered another one, the conquered used to offer his daughter or sister in marriage as a mark of his allegiance or homage to the conqueror. It was optional on the part of the conquered to make the offer or not, but it was not so on the part of the