Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/69

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at semi-state occasions, and one to be worn at a levee or on other state occasions. You may also then wear a few or many jewels according to the nature of the functions. At your own home you should wear your family jewels on state occasions, because it pleases your people to do so. Of course, when you ride, shoot, or play, you may wear any kind of dress that you please or that suits the occasion. Many of our Indian people think that it is becoming to wear a frock-coat and a neck-tie, and that by so doing they would please Europeans. In the first place, I do not mean to say it is an ugly dress, but it is purely European, and so unfitted for Hindus. In the second place, I can emphatically say that it does not please Europeans. On the other hand, they hate to see an Indian wearing an European dress. Even English people at home, I observed on the two occasions I went to that country.