Page:Advice to the Indian Aristocracy.djvu/78

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heading of good manners. You must avoid in society all disagreeable actions, such as, spitting, yawning, and making audible guttural and nasal sounds. Therefore avoid them; if you cannot do so altogether, suppress such sounds as much as possible. Cleanliness in body, in apparel and in surroundings also comes under good manners.

There is a very good moral saying, viz., "money, learning and noble birth bring pride to a man of bad behaviour, and the same three bring politeness and gentleness to a man of good behaviour." Then how can a man acquire good behaviour? He must be trained and taught well when he is young, and he must be careful, watchful and thoughtful in his actions in his after life.

It has been a general practice among Zamindars to observe a strict etiquette when two Zamindars meet each other.