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found that the due obſervance of this day, and of the duties of it, hath been of ſingular comfort and advantage to me. The obſervance of this day hath ever had joined to it bleſſing upon the reſt of my time, and the week that hath heen ſo begun, hath been a Bleſſing, and proſperous to me; and on the other ſide, when I have been negligent of this day, the reſt of the week has been unſucceſsful, and unhappy to my own ſecular employments, ſo that I could eaſily make an eſtimate of my ſucceſses the week following, by the manner of my paſſing of this day and this I do not write lightly or inconſiderately; but upon a long and ſound oſſervation and experience.

It was a cuſtom of Mr Grimſhaw to leave his church while the pſalms were ſinging, to ſee if any were abſent from worſhip, and idling their time in the church-yard, the ſtreet, or the ale-houſes, and many of thoſe