Page:Advice to young ladies on their duties and conduct in life - Arthur - 1849.djvu/137

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they are different. If this be so, we may, of course, expect to find a larger development of the cerebrum, or upper brain, in man, and a larger development of the cerebellum, or lower brain, in woman; and this is so. A man’s head is higher, and fuller in front, than a woman’s; while a woman’s head is broader and larger behind than a man’s.

From this it will be seen that man has a will and an understanding; and so has a woman;—that both are thinking and loving beings, but that in one the understanding or intellect preponderates, and in the other the will or affections; and therefore to claim mental equality is absurd. A man is not equal to a woman, nor a woman equal to a man. As to the question of superiority, we leave that for others to decide; merely stating, however, that the will has reference to good, and the understanding to truth; the affections regarding quality or good, and the understanding being merely the discriminating power by which truth is perceived. Some think good higher than truth; and this is our own opinion. Good is, in fact, the essence, and truth the form, of a thing.

The true difference between the sexes is that which we have just stated. Now, let any sensible woman reflect upon the nature of this dif-