Page:Advice to young ladies on their duties and conduct in life - Arthur - 1849.djvu/169

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woman whose influence in society is beneficially perceived. This is blind love—a very different thing from the strong, deep, intelligent affection of a true woman. How any man can be satisfied with the immature love of a silly young girl is beyond our conception. Indeed, we do not believe, as a general thing, that a man who is thus satisfied is worthy of the affections he seeks to gain.

Chapter XVII.

Early Marriages.

On the subject of early marriages, a diversity of opinions prevails; and they generally vibrate, like the pendulum of a clock, from one extreme to the other. A young lady will hear some one strongly advocate early marriages to-day, and to-morrow hear an opposite opinion advanced and vigorously maintained. It is but rarely the case that those who enter into these discussions really understand the subject of marriage, and therefore cannot declare what is absolutely true on this disputed question. And, besides, what one means by early marriage is a different thing from