Page:Advice to young ladies on their duties and conduct in life - Arthur - 1849.djvu/206

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heartfelt reward, a deep satisfaction. Thus diligently to perform our every-day duties, because to neglect them would be to injure others, at the same time that we look to the Giver of all good for ability to enable us faithfully to do what is right, is to act from a religious, because an unselfish, principle. That which separates us from God, and produces all the mental disorders under which we labor, is selfishness. There is no means of returning to God, and to true order, except by denying self; and this we do when we seek, in all the various relations of life, to discharge our duties for the sake of good to others. Of ourselves we cannot act from this high motive; it comes from God, who alone is good, and from whom all good flows. But we can shun the evil of selfishness, by denying it the gratification of its inordinate desires, and compelling ourselves faithfully to do whatever useful thing comes in our way; and then the love of doing good will flow into our minds, and we shall feel a higher delight than ever before thrilled through our bosoms.

A woman, from the time she steps forth upon the stage of life, is surrounded by the means of being useful to and doing good to others. She need not go out of her way to seek for objects to benefit. She need not lay down plans of useful-