Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 1.djvu/18

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Nelle we eac mid leasungum þyllic liccetan .
forþan þe geleaffulle fæderas and halige lareowas
hit awriton on leden-spræce . to langum gemynde .
52and to trymmincge þam towerdum mannum .

Sum witega clypode þurh þone halgan gast and cwæð . Mirabilis deus in sanctis suis . et cet. Wundorlic is god on his halgum . he sylf forgifð mihte and strengðe his folce . gebletsod ís hé god. 56We awritað fela wundra on þissere béc . forþan þe god is wundorlic on his halgum swa swa we ǽr sædon . and his halgena wundra wurðiað hine . forþan þe hé worhte þa wundra þurh hí.
An woruld-cynincg hæfð fela þegna
60and mislice wicneras . he ne mæg beon wurðful cynincg
buton he hæbbe þa geþincðe þe him gebyriað .
and swylce þening-men . þe þeawfæstnysse him gebeodon.
Swa is eac þam [1]ælmihtigan gode þe ealle þincg gesceop .
64him gerisð þæt he hæbbe halige þenas
þe his willan gefyllað . and þæra is fela
on mannum anum þe he of middan-earde geceas .
þæt nan bocere ne mæg þeah he mycel cunne .
68heora naman awriten . forþan þe hí nat nan man .
Hi synd ungeryme swa swa hit gerisð gode .
ac we woldon gesettan be sumum þas bóc .
mannum to getrymminge . and to munde us sylfum .
72þæt hí us þingion to þam ælmihtigan gode .
swa swa we on worulde heora wundra cyðað .
Ic bidde nu on godes naman gif hwa þas bóc awritan wille . þæt he hí wél gerihte be þære bysne . and þǽr namare betwux 76ne sette þonne we awendon .

Uale in domino .

  1. leaf 2.