Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 1.djvu/229

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and began to drag her to the house of lust;

but God's might was displayed at once in the maiden,

so that the Holy Ghost held her, and fastened her as by a great weight,

so that the wicked ones could not remove the maiden.

Then they fastened ropes, in their cruel attempt,

to her hands and feet, and many tugged at once,

but she was never stirred, but stood firm as a mountain.

Then was the impious Paschasius perplexed,

and bade false magicians be brought unto him,

that they with their enchantments might overpower the virgin of God.

But when they sped not at all, he commanded oxen to be harnessed to her,

but they could not even so shake the maiden.

The murderer then said to the pure maid,

'What is the reason that a thousand men

cannot even stir thee, all weak as thou art?'

Lucy said to him, ' though thou call ten thousand men,

they would all hear the Holy Ghost thus speaking:

Cadent a latere tuo mille, et decern millia a dextris tuis, tihi autem, non adpropinquabit malum.

A thousand shall fall beside thee, and ten thousand at thy right hand,

but verily no evil shall approach thyself.'

Then was the impious one perplexed in his mind yet more,

and bade men light a great pile all round the maid,

and sprinkle her with pitch and bespattering (?) oil.

She stood then undismayed in the fire, and said,

' I have obtained of Christ in prayer that this deadly fire

may have no power upon me, that thou mayst be put to shame,

and that it may dispel all fear of torture from believers,

and take away from unbelievers their evil joy.'

Then was the impious one madly vexed,

so that his friends could not assuage his madness;

but they bade men kill the pure maid with the sword.

Then was she wounded, so that her bowels fell out.