Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 1.djvu/249

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through holy prayers, in the Name of Jesus.

With her another maiden was brought up named Felicula [her foster-sister],

perfect in God's fear, and in all goodness;

but Petronilla was very fair of face.

Then came a certain ruler, who was called Flaccus

with a great company to Petronilla the maiden,

and desired to take her to wife for her fair face.

Then said the holy maiden to the heathen man,

'Why hast thou come with weapons, and rude soldiers

unto a maiden powerless for war*?

but if thou wilt have me, bid come unto me

noble matrons, and fair maidens

three days hence, and behold, I will with these

come to thy house,' and he believed her.

So then Petronilla prayed with fasting

to the heavenly king, who had chosen her,

during all that space, and JFelicula with her,

until Nicomedes the mass-priest came

on the third day, and said mass for them,

and the holy Petronilla received the housel,

returned to her bed, and quickly died.

Then came the women as they had agreed,

and swathed her body until she was buried,

as if they had come for the purpose of attending to the woman.

Then Flaccus turned his mind to Felicula,

and thus said to her with a threatening manner,

'Choose thee now quickly one of these two things.

Either be my wife, or bow to our gods,

and offer sacrifice to them;' but she answered him thus,

'I will never be thy wife, because that of my own will

I am dedicated to Christ, neither will I offer sacrifice

to the heathen gods, because I believe in Christ.'