Page:Aelfric's Lives of Saints Vol 1.djvu/259

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and sung this psalm with exceeding joy,

Ad te leuaui oculos meos, qui hahitas in celis, et cetera. That is in English,

'To Thee I lift up mine eyes, O Lord,

Thou that dwellest in the heavens,' and they sung the whole psalm.

Lo, then! at midnight came the Almighty Lord

from the high heaven, and visited His saints,

and spake these words that are here written:

'He who truly believeth on the living Father,

and on His only-begotten Son, and on the Holy Ghost,

though he be dead, nevertheless he shall live;

be heartened, and be Jiot afraid of the torments of the heathen,

which are but transitory; be patient for this while,

that ye may be crowned with glory in the eternal world.'

Then the saints continued watching until morning

in heavenly bliss, through the Saviour's coming.

Then in the morning the magistrate bade fetch them,

and they all said as if with one mouth,

'Do now by us that which the Lord will.'

Then came also the devil, and had a serpent in one hand

and a sword in the other, thus saying to the judge,

'Thou art my own, begin now right well;'

as if he had said, ' Overcome these Christians

through sharp tortures that they may submit to me.'

Then it came to [the minds of] the persecutors, in their evil thought,

that they would lead God's saints in heavy chains

to a broad mere with ignominous taunts.

At that time there was a very severe winter,

and the foresaid mere was covered over with ice,

and the winterly wind raged as well as the frost.

Then the heathens shoved the saints into the mere,

into the middle of the ice, all unclothed,

and set vigilant men for warders over them,

that none of them might escape by flight.